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RegimA is a unique, advanced, medically accepted, results driven, anti ageing, skin rejuvenating product range manufactured exclusively for the use of doctors and skin care professionals.

Multiple award winning, RegimA’s status is cemented as a skin care leader in the global market. Ensuring active ingredients are used at maximum efficacy, RegimA is a cosmeceutical brand focusing not only on aesthetics but also paying extra attention to skin health.

Safely gently and naturally, RegimA helps all skin types and skin problems, treating pigmentation, active acne, acne scarring, rejuvenating, restoring a youthful appearance, improving colour, tone and texture, smoothing away ageing lines and uneven skin colour.

RegimA Chemical Peel

The RegimA chemical peel is suitable for all skin types. This new generation Turbo peel incorporates a host of actives which impart added healing and rejuvenation effects. The power peel offers a combination of 6 powerful fruit acids which have lightening effects with 100% safety. The power peel is gently applied to your skin to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new cells. The power peel can smooth out the skin, target fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone and reduce acne scars.

  • Peeling, healing, regenerating, rejuvenating, renewed youthful skin.

  • Minimized down time.

  • Instant smoothing of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Safe during pregnancy.

RegimA Acne Scar Repair Facial

This  RegimA facial is targeted at repairing scarred and damaged skin. Using medical grade RegimA products to micro needle into the skin. The skin is deep cleansed and steamed to prepare it. Then the skin is microneedled using scar repair serums and a specially formulated skin peel is applied to kick start the skin renewal process. A cooling hyaluronic mask is then applied followed by LED to produce amazing results.